It's a Beautiful Life

By ArtyFi

Droukit rhododendron

Although I'm not Scottish, I've lived here long enough to know a bit of the local lingo, and 'droukit' is one such example. The Scots language centre explains, "The verb drouk, or drook, means to soak, but droukit carries more than just the sense of being wet through. There is often an associated inner misery..."! Ah, the Scots sure know how to make you feel good about yourself...!

No doubt if I'd been out all day in it like this little rhododendron, I'd be feeling pretty miserable. As it was, I've been in the house most of the day with the heating on finalising hubby's family tree for presentation to the in-laws tomorrow evening, and making some more greetings cards...essentially, being a bit crafty! Dinner's in the oven, vino is in the fridge, the fire's on and (although the rain continues to hammer down outside) it's the weekend. Life's not too bad after all...

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