Carrying dog treats is a dodgy business. Dogs, by nature, know how to play us and they know if you're in canine company chances are you're packing tit bits. One pointer we see actually licks her chops when she sees me round a bend then goes on to mug me with ferocious jabbing until I deliver. A little terrier throws his whole muddy self at me (trousers for the wash again) while the owner says 'oh he's clever isn't he?'. I'm thinking something else. Today's was classic. We were out walking after stopping off at the Friday market - a rottweiller comes chunking towards us and I try not to bristle. He plunges his head into my bag on the look out for something, anything and didn't even seem too disappointed when all there was were walnut and honey yogurts (I was disappointed when I popped my specs on - they were 1% honey and 1% walnuts - bastards!). He couldn't hold the spoon so he couldn't have any anyway.
This shot is the view coming back up the road as more clouds rolled in, again. Shall we play spot the birdie again? Nah. Too easy.
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