youngies journey

By youngie66

The Tay Rail Bridge

Well this is an easy shift today I am sitting in the rear cab as my work mate drives it to Dundee then due to a freight train that derailed near Aberdeen my train from Aberdeen is starting from Dundee so I have three hours to rest my eyes before diving back to Edinburgh which is handy after last nights fiasco when three of my five engines were not working so a very late arrival in Newcastle last night meant that I missed the last train back to Edinburgh so it was a taxi back home when I looked at the meter in the taxi on arrival at Edinburgh it was £232.00 ooh I'm sure glad the company is paying for that. Now as regard my blip for today this is the Tay Rail Bridge looking south with a East Coast HST heading towards Edinburgh and if you look hard enough near where the high section of the bridge you can see sticking out of the water the piers of the old Tay Bridge that collapsed on the 28th of December 1879 just 18 months after it was built due to a fierce storm of 10/11 on the Beaufort scale sadly a train was crossing at the time and at least 60 poor souls lost there lives and only 46 bodies were ever recovered no one survived the accident and even the new bridge that was built right after that to this day no two trains can pass each other over the centre section it is only one train at a time mmm makes you wonder anyhow this is my blip for today as I now need some sleep as Friday is a big day as I was made Captain of our golf team this year we have the Waverly Shield to play for tomorrow between XCountry,East Coast and Scotrail so I hope we can win it in my first year as el Capitano I will be either Captain Marvel or Captain Calamity hopefully not the latter so keep your fingers crossed and hopefully there might be a blip tomorrow of our team with the shield

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