
By hoodedpigwoman

The Animals Went In Two By....oh, wait...

Alexander has been invited to a birthday party on Saturday, for a friend of his cousin. I was looking for a small gift for a small girl who I don't know at all. Well, my mum tells me it's a girl, I'm not even sure of that... I stared confusedly at various 'accessories', but not knowing her style (or her mother's, seeing as she's two) I felt even a small offering of that type may be a mistake. There were plenty of clothing gifts to Alexander that didn't see the light of day and they weren't even from random strangers.

Then I had a stroke of genius - you can never have too many farm animals, can you? I hope she likes it. Of course, I may come across as completely mental, but doubtless my sister has already prepared them for that...

I don't what I'm going to do when the kids catch materialism.

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