'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A Little bit of brightness...

...on what is a very damp, grey and foggy day!

Three beautiful things:

The classes delight in watching the Olympic torch being lit - we imagined we were there as VIP guests! The diary entries they wrote afterwards would make you think they had really been there, not sat in a classroom watching it online! We are looking forward to next weekend when the torch reaches the South Hams although there is some discontent as it will travel on a bus on the bypass instead of through the school village. However there will be many other opportunities to see it, hopefully a blip or two next weekend!

The poached cod for my tea - delicious!

Both dogs curled up on the sofa either side of me, now watching the hyenas on BBC 1!

One thing to be grateful for:

Meringues - a low fat way of getting an instant sugar hit!

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