Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

That's Smarter!

Like most of the North of the country, today has been wet, windy and very cold in Kintyre. Not a day for being out far less a day in the middle of May! It most certainly wasn't a inspirational day for blipping.

However, being a creature of habit, I found myself out for a morning run along the beach well wrapped up against the elements. Grey skies, grey sea and little of cheer. Then on my way back I spotted the two swans who have taken up residence in the area about 100 yards off shore. As I continued running they swam towards me and clearly thought I might have some food for them. This one is ringed and has obviously frequented a public area where it has been fed. Anyway, with only the two Swans and me on the whole of the mile long beach, I couldn't help but like it against the wet ripply sand and its reflection in the water. It certainly looked a lot smarter than the Mucky Swan of a few days ago!

With nothing better transpiring and the rain continuing, this has to be my blip for the day.

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