Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe

The woodpecker

There's a little story behind this blip. For a long time this woodpecker and in fact another one also, have been coming to the birdfeeder. I have wanted a photo of it for ages. I have a split level room and every time I got down to the bottom window to photograph it he saw the movement and flew away. It was driving me nuts!! I tried crawling down the stairs and along the floor and creeping up to the window from good! I said that the frst thing I was going to do when I got the new camera was get a photo of him. I took this sitting upstairs in a comfy chair and he didn't even know I was there!!! Ha! So there!

I don't photograph birds as a rule and this may be the first and last time but it had to be.

For all the sun yesterday today is a dreich, drizzly, depressing day and there are no other blips to be had! Hope it will be better tomorrow! Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

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