Well, I was going to try to do something fun for my 730th blip - create the numbers using smoke. I spent a while playing around with it - got a convincing 7 but 3 and 0 just weren't happening! Need to play about with this a bit more as I was getting some pretty patterns, but I've chosen this one as today's image - I suppose it's kinda representative of how stuffy/fuzzy my head is feeling at the minute with this cold.
Thanks to everyone who's subscribed and visited my journal - it's a real pleasure to see that people like the blips I've taken. Thanks too to the blipcentral staff for providing such a fantastic site! (I never guessed I'd still be blipping two years on...!)
- 1
- 0
- Nikon D5000
- 1/6
- f/1.8
- 50mm
- 800
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