Hands up who...

...knows how to re-wire a standard house-hold plug (Forgive the British slant, not got a clue about other worldly plugs, but would be interested if you fancy divulging)?

Can you spot the difference?

The left hand one is the new one I had to cut off our new washer/dryer as our socket is situated through a small hole big enough only for the wire. The old hacket (although recently slightly cleaned) one on the right is the one that I just took off our outside light cord. (That's another story which I'll detail at the end if you can be bothered getting that far.)

This is something that really annoys me about modern appliances. They seem to all come with these moulded plastic plugs that if you need to remove them or check the internal wiring, your only choice is to cut them off and replace them. It just adds a wee layer of disposability that I just don't understand the purpose of and renders the plug related options pretty much non-existant.

Luckily I did assume the appliance would come with one of these moulded monstrosities , so I retained the plug from the old washing machine.

Another Story about a Plug and and Outside Light...
Our outside light stopped working about 2 years ago and I, at the time, reckoned it would just be the bulb. I thus replaced said bulb only to find it wasn't that. Stupidly, I kinda left it at that as I forgot to check the fuse.

Schoolboy error!!

The whole rewiring of the lawnmower and swapping of the washing machine plugs reminded me to check the fuse in the plug.

What do you know? A 3 amp fuse. I'm no electrician but even I was pretty sure that it had probably blown and was the cause of the faulty light.

It was.

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