Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Food for thought

There are things that inspire me...too many to mention in entirety but I was thinking of some of them this morning.

I watched as a spider spun a web in the most windy spot I could imagine, over and over it went, never tiring.

Grass swaying in the wind, the motion, sea like and beautiful, a display of the unseen wind.

A patch of wild flowers, intricate and yet so simple. Nodding back and forth, dancing to song of the weather.

The feel of the cool air rushing around me, swirling and spinning, sometimes a whisper and then a crescendo in my ears.

A break in the clouds where the sun makes an appearance, turning the edges all silver and gold. Silhouettes on the ground and beams of light spearing through the sky.

What a wonder it all is, there for us all to see, feel, hear and absorb.

Tonight I have some spare moments so I will be catching up with all you lovely people.

As a last little thought, here's a thing that I believe in....Where ever you go, there you are! Maybe one day I will explain that a bit more!

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