Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Something So Small

Thank-you for the reassuring comments on last night's post. I feel a bit guilty, as if I was fishing for compliments. I'm glad I'm not alone in capturing random objects, scenes or events - just aim to take a photograph every day. Improve my photography skills by getting more selective in what I choose to share, get the camera off auto.

I learned another lesson tonight - don't let blipping disconnect me from the world around me. I was in the garden tonight around 19.45 trying to capture something before the light went as the forecast wind and clouds were closing in.
I was aware vaguely of the ginger cat's interest in some bird song, that there were crows in the rowan tree and that the bird song had become more urgent. The buzzards were circling overhead so I assumed that the bird anxiety was due to them. Carrying on snapping various plants I saw a dunnock on the fence - not usual for that time of day.
I came indoors to save my overcooked dinner and saw a dead fledgling on the step outside the patio doors. Laid carefully face down and still warm, placed there. I think it was a dunnock.
Oh I wish I had paid more attention to the birds and brought the cats in, but the crows were watching it too. Its very sad that something so small will not grow larger, never fly.

Life is hard and I worry that I post random pictures on an internet site. Reality check big style.

I had no heart for the outdoor shots - so this is the first flower of this year on my African Violet.

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