My changing life

By Shelley2011

Tatty bumpkins

Today Melody awoke at 8 - it seems this is her time to wake whatever disturbance or lateness she goes to bed at.. Could be worse.. As long as I'm in bed by 12 I can manage on 2-3 broken blocks.. This means I get a bit of time without Melody (sort of) in the pm..
Today we stayed in until 11 and then we went to baby yoga - Melody has been 3 times.. 2/3 she has grizzled - today being one of them - I think she had toothpain (and refused ibuprofen) or disliked her body being stretched and pulled at my will instead if her own! She kept crawling off and not wanting to be a tree or eat imaginary porridge or whatever!
After we went to Derriford hospital for lunch and flyering - very successful! Lots up and lots of bumps accosted.
Tonight waterbabies was great - melody swam unaided and thro a hoop!
She is really loving walking.. And steps up things and has speed! I've started to try and do it one handed - and she's getting it but she giggles out loud at the thrill of it! Love it!

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