Lest we forget
Today I gave myself a big shock.
This morning, after a lie-in bestowed on me by the lovely Mr B, I got up to hear the slightly disappointing news about the 'financial rescue plan'. Wasn't quite the way it was billed on Newsnight. Anyway, all blissed out with lie-in and lemsip max-strength, I remarked that one good thing you could say about Maggie Thatcher was that at least she would have done something bold, rather than what looked to me like some insipid, too late, half-way-house.
How could I?
After all these years I have allowed those rose-tinted glasses to slip down and, just for a moment, forget the truth.
That there are no good things to be said about her.
The elephant (who is Senegalese in case you're interested) is to help me remember.
Apart from that early fright, a pretty chilled day. Had to explain to my daughter that girls can be really bitchy and nasty, she's having a problem with one of her friends. They're only 7. Does it really start so young? At that age the nastiest thing I knew to do was put itchy powder (rosehip seeds) down someone's back.
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