
By Northsea

May the 4th be with you!

Today was busy and very worthy of blip 101. I was hosting a meeting at Manchester University for the UKTi SME water companies so had lots to do. I was looking for things that could be sent to room 101 all day but the best I could grab in the short windows was death by powerpoint. Its amazing how some of the most intellegent people have not got past just reading what they have put on their slide. It would be better if they just said "here, read this, I am going for a coffee. Ask me any questions when I am back."
However, the real drama was saved for later. I was booked on the 4.50pm flight from Manchester to Malaga and was still at the University at 3.05pm. I dashed across towards Sale to pick up my girlfriend and was caught in the traffic behind all the lollipop ladies. She was ringing, cursing me, when I got on the motorway and my accelerator cable snapped. Rolling to a stop at the end of the slip road I attempted to tie some headphones to it but it kept snapping. Eventually I managed to tie my blackberry phone charger to the rocker on the engine and operate the accelerator by hand, holding onto the plug end out of the window. Picked up girlfriend, drove the 6 miles to the airport, parked, passed security, bought book and got on plane. Not the most elegant journey but I made it. :-) Wish I could use the force rather than a mondeo.

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