Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

The EVIL banana...

It's amazing the random stuff I find in the fridge at work! This frozen banana has been in the freezer for months! Someone must have put it there to cool it and forgot about it. The post it note appeared a few weeks ago, apparently someone was trying to make a joke out of it...hey, I found it pretty damn amusing ;)

Tired today - just feeling a little drained, but all is well. Im not one to open up and trust people - let alone talk to them about extremely private matters. But I was encouraged to talk to this person and was made to feel safe to open up. I think I made a mistake in opening up to much to them - words sometimes come back and hurt you...I wasnt thinking about that. Im really disappointed to be honest and a little hurt, it was totally unexpected. Oh well. Lesson learned.

So, I cant stop listening to this song...every single radio station is playing it...alternative, rock, pop, is catchy...

Updated flickr......have the rest of the pics up from Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, art work from the cabin...and other randomness...been a while since I've updated the site.

Nap time...

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