Aquilegia in the rain

Just starting to flower despite the lack of sun, this seems to be catching the rain. The water seems to be collecting in the petals. I love the vibrant colours.
Apparently aquilegia are very floriferous (you can tell I copied this bit), easy perennials for the woodland garden, this is odd because we don't have a woodland garden. They are happiest in partial shade, but can tolerate full sun or almost full shade, I think this means just about anywhere. Once established, Aquilegia are drought tolerant and will thrive in dry summer soils, this doesn't seem to be a problem right now but who knows.
Interestingly the name Aquilegia is derived from the Latin word for eagle (aquila), because the shape of the flower petals, which are said to resemble an eagle's claw. Now I didn't know that, blipping can be educational.

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