Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

An Old Bookmark

Today my mind is very much on books and if all goes according to plan you will see why in tomorrow's blip.
Well, I have always loved books and bookmarks actually.
Some time ago I went to a library book sale with my sister, another book fanatic, and we rummaged away and found books of varying ages and conditions, as you would expect in any library.
But it wasn't til I got all mine home ( about 36 if I remember correctly!) that I found an old Shetland Library Mobile Service Bookmark. The date stamped for the next visit was Tuesday 4th September 1979. This was a great find for me and was just as exciting as getting bags of unwanted books for 10 pence each!!
I love the bookmark. It's also very near to my younger son's birthday!
Check back tomorrow for another booky blip. That one will be much more personal.
Hope you're all having a good week and getting better weather than we are up here in Shetland!
Take care.

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