Couch dog

Up early and a beautiful morning walk with juno, caught up with another dog walker and chatted.

First time ever today I took eco daughter to school in the car, her knee still not right she took her crutches and a note requesting a lift pass to avoid the stairs. She got the bus home.

Work was a fig roll of fascination.

Lunch with some charming ladies I used to work with.

Walked home went into Bank to ask them to transfer money for me, don't do it now. Need to telephone or internet bank, just walked out unamused.

Dropped the broken wee camera off to get fixed.

Eco daughter's knee is getting better, swelling down bruising coimng out. Worried about the fact it gives way under her weight. Trying to organise to get her ligaments checked out and hope they are ok.

Planted up some seeds as I am hoping it will get warmer sometime.

I got a request for a juno photo to be sent to someone today, so Juno fans here is one watching the TV.

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