Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Home Sweet Home!!

Yippee back home! Got home tea time last night.

Stayed in an extra day more than expected as I felt sick, dizzy and lightheaded when I tried to walk with the physio. Also couldn't do the stairs and I needed to be able to do this before they let me out.

It was a struggle to get to my door and I was in tears by the top. But I did it and I am back in my own flat with my own things which is great!!

Physio has told me not to go out for around 3 days, purely because I have so many stairs to climb, so I have to lie on my side, back and stomach and sit for 15 mins at a time, although only managed a few minutes last night.

Feel like i've gone two steps back, but I also feel I am not off sick anymore I am recovering...and that feels good! :)

Have backblipped if you are interested!!

Looking forward to looking at all your entries over the past few days and will get back to commenting!!

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