Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade


Before the heavens opened and drowned Aberdeen. Hayles and I went for a drive to the beach to take pictures. It was so lovely, and I had an idea of going for a stroll while there. But it smelt overly 'seaweedy' there today.

Anyone who knows me knows I cannot stomach the smell of the sea. It's quite annoying really, as I do love looking out at water. It calms me and I try to do the whole inhale as the tide comes in and exhale as it sweeps out again thing. It's great for ridding you of all the days tensions.

But it wasn't going to work like that today. Well not without me loosing my lunch! So I opted for a quick jump out the car, taking a huge breath before I left, then snap snap snap on the iPhone, and leaped back into the car before I turned purple and passed out!

Am rather chuffed with the shots I took. Asked Hayles which ones she liked as I'd use one of them for my blip today. So this ones for you m'lady. Have a safe trip offshore. See you soon.

REDMarmalade xxx

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