Attended the unveiling of his statue outside St James on Sunday before the Man City game but forgot my camera -so returned today to take this snap.

Listed below are some of his unique quotes from his career in football which always bring a smile to my face.

"When Gazza was dribbling, he used to go through a minefield with his arm, a bit like you go through a supermarket."

"Manchester United dropped points, Liverpool dropped points, Chelsea dropped points, Everton dropped points, so in a way we haven't lost anything at all really, although we dropped all three."

"I'm not going to look beyond the semi-final - but I would love to lead Newcastle out at the final."

"He never fails to hit the target. But that was a miss."

"Eighteen months ago Sweden were arguably one of the best three teams in Europe, and that would include Germany, Holland, Russia and anybody else if you like."
"We can't replace Gary Speed. Where do you get an experienced player like him with a left foot and a head?"

"Alan Shearer has done very well for us, considering his age. We have introduced some movement into his game because he has got two good legs now. Last season he played with one leg."

"People want success. It's like coffee, they want instant."

"Some of the goals were good, some of the goals were sceptical."

"He's the only man I know who could start an argument with himself" (On Craig Bellamy)

"One day, someone will end a football game scoring more than Brazil. This might be the time that they lose."

"Denis Law once kicked me at Wembley in front of the Queen in an international. I mean, no man is entitled to do that, really."

"Look at those olive trees! They're 200 years old - from before the time of Christ."

"In the first half he took a corner, a poor corner, which hit the first defender, and it took him 17 minutes to get back to the halfway line." (on former Newcastle winger Laurent Robert)

"They're two points behind us, so we're neck and neck."

"We didn't underestimate them. They were a lot better than we thought."

The man was so special and loved by all.
Lady Elsie Robson said on Sunday-
"My husband often spoke of living a black and white life," said Lady Elsie. "It took him from the darkness of Langley Park Colliery to the bright glare of the floodlights. Black and white were the shades that always clung to him.

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