Fossil hunting

We decided to get up and go go go to Dorset to go look for fossils on the beach, despite the rain and were rewarded with an hour or so of beautiful blue skies.
It was really lovely. Went to a pub for fish and chips, had a nice few hours.
Cosmic Karma meant though that on top of my chesty/coldy thing, a D&V bug appeared from nowhere.
Littlest one had thrown up on the way there and we assumed it was travel sickness as he was fine pretty much straight away afterwards.
I threw up on the way home and then spent the next 2 hours in the car trying not to do it again. Hellish journey. Managed to keep it in till we got home and then, well, I won't elaborate. Wasn't pretty.
Mr KP has a very dodgy tum, then Littlest One threw up again in bed.
Little One is so far *touches wood* immune to it all.
I feel pants.

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