A Snapshot a Day

By AgathasMum

"Celebrate Good Times. Come On! Let's Celebra

Some tenuous reasons for celebrating tonight....

1. We're not having soup.

2. Kate got 2 of her 3 AP exams out of the way today, Environmental Science and Psychology.

3. Nicky J has got himself a paying summer internship with the SHA.

4. Tom passed his physical with flying colours and has a date with his GP in 26 years to eat everything she's told him to avoid to stay healthy and live long and prosper.

5. Susan exercised 3 times today - hey, I said it was tenuous!

So we went to "Mangia e Bevi" tonight. Not pictured is the Bang Bang Shrimp appetiser, (on the Dr "do not eat" list), but worth it. To the left is Kate's mushroom ravioli with pistachio sauce. Delicious, but one mouthful is all I can manage as it's soooo rich. Then you see my Chicken Marsala, yummy as always and Tom's Mediterranean Rockfish.

A great meal as always here. Oh and if anyone noticed my glass was empty, don't worry there was another drink on the way!

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