Today was hopefully the last in a long long line of Sundays over in Fife getting the place over there ready to sell. This time we had to mow the lawn, which is some job when it's two foot long. Obviously we've not picked the best time to sell.... but at least we don't have to haul ourselves over there every weekend now.
Our friends headed back to Ireland this morning, managing to sneak out before Mr B was even awake. Mind you, after how late we went to bed last night I'm not surprised. Mr B and I have over the years discovered a series of topics which we both feel very strongly about but will just never agree on. Last night it was the turn of making registers of offenders publicly available. Rather delightfully it turned out that our friends were both on my side of the argument, so I not only achieved my familiar moral victory (I am, of course, always right) but also an unusual numerical one. Very satisfying.
The good news today was that Mr B senior came out of hospital and is now safely ensconced at home with as many cups of tea as he likes.
On the way home from Edinburgh the sky was so gorgeous that I stopped with the kids at Longniddry Bents, where there are fab views over to Edinburgh. As Conor was sleeping in the car, me and Katherine wandered onto the beach to watch the sun go down together.
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