
By beckie

"Gifts of Hope"

Today we traveled over an hour to Kayonza, where the school is. We met up with a lady called Rebecca, she then took us to the local shop, where we brought 5 mattres?, some Maize flour, sugar, soap and cooking oil. We loaded it all into the van and headed off in to deepest Africa.
We visited about 9 / 10 homes, where they had nothing.
Old ladies sat outside their house hungry.
Kids with nothing but rags to wear.
Bedrooms with just a mat to sleep on.

The lady in this picture has survived two Genocides, As a child, she was badly burnt after her house was set on fire, which has left her arms and legs desfigured. Her husband has left to find money, but never returned.... yet after all she has been through... she was still able to raise a massive smile (or 10!!) A very lovely lady!!!

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