
By monkus

the invisible man

I have no idea what to say about this without going into a diatribe regarding the values that our society imposes....or is it the political will...or our lack of it...

The beggar, as far as I am aware, was one of the patients out at Gogarburn (psychiatric) Hospital. At its closure, in 1999, some of the patients found living in the surrounding woods preferable to care in the community. He is one of them, still living in the woods to the west of Edinburgh...13years the shadow of the RBS complex, as if it's not quite a pathetic enough tale...the irony of the "nationalised" bank is wounding.

as for the photo, i like the slightly out of focus feeling to it, especially as regards the pedestrians. we blur past the flotsam and jetsam of the good ship capitalism, running under the flag of austerity, wealthy and privileged first.

end of rant.

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