
By NickyH

Day 127

It's a bank holdiday Monday and it's raining (as usual) so there's only one thing for it according to H - Twister!

Lots of fun to play, but I feel it should come with a health warning that if you're over a certain age it mostly just reminds you how unsupple, old and generally decrepit you are...

The original plan for today was to walk down into the village and down the old railway lines for the opening of a new viaduct bridge, but the rain soon ruined that plan, so we had a morning of games, went to see the in laws for lunch, spent a fortune in various DIY and home places on goodies to decorate our bedroom, then came home for several games of Twister. And that gave me today's blip thankfully! The hand is spinning round in the centre.

All in all, a pretty good day :)

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