'The Craigentinny Marbles'
This is the Miller Mausoleum. It is sited in a housing scheme in Craigentinny and is known locally as 'The Craigentinny Marbles' . It is the final resting place of William Henry Miller, MP for Newcastle - under - Lyme (13 February 1789 - 31 October 1848). Miller owned the Craigentinny estate before it had been built on and wanted to be buried in one of his fields on the estate rather than in a churchyard. He was unmarried and when he died he stipulated that he wanted to be buried 40ft down with a large slab over his coffin. On top he wanted a classical tomb errected.
The marbles depict on this side 'The Song of Moses and Miriam' and on the other side 'The Overthrow of Pharaoh in the Red Sea' which can be seen here.
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