Mr John

By MrJohn

Return of .....

..... the sleepy little fella.

No, I don't mean me going back to visit my parents, but this little sleepy head that I blipped five weeks ago when I was last down in London.

This is the last of Tay's seven pups to find a home, as my parents were very tempted to keep him themselves. Today a nice couple from Brighton have adopted him and he will be living by the sea ( no doubt chasing seagulls ) from next weekend.

There are plenty of activities and days out planned for the rest of this week, so today I've had a nice relaxing day at my parents house doing very little, the most energetic thing I've done is drink numerous cups of tea. We're having Chinese takeaway for dinner tonight, yum !

As this week will be the the last chance I have to photograph him, todays blip is .....

..... Return of the sleepy litte fella.

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