Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Let's Face It

Pansy faces
Smiling brightly
Filling us all with joy

Laugh they gaily
Frolics abound
Let us all the grumps annoy

Look around you
Colours astounding
Bright pictures for us to enjoy

Like a kiddie
In a sweet shop
Or for us a brand new toy

Starts us thinking
Of the warm time
Think it's all a ploy

Hint of Summer
In the Springtime
Ahoy to the sunshine, ahoy

Terry Rhiannyr
May, 2012

I have only just learnt via my friend emyjane, that today is the anniversary of the passing of the lovely Molly. I never knew her as I have only just begun in my Blip path but from what I have seen so far of her photos she was obviously a lover both of flowers and of life. I therefore dedicate this photo and the associated poem to her memory and am thankful tat today of all days I blipped a bright, happy flower and wrote a bright, happy poem.

RIP Molly-Tuscany

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