Picaday Anyday

By Picaday

Yon's Mr Johnson!!

I read every night before I go to sleep. My house is full of books. Piles of them. Biographies, quilting book, other craft books, sagas, especially those of Iceland and Norway.
The book I'm reading at the moment is called "Life in Shetland" and was written by Ursula Venebles. Ursula, along with her husband Pat, came to live in Shetland in the early 50's. They had come up for a holiday and, like so many other people, had fallen in love with the isles and decided to move here. The book was published in 1956, before I was born, so a lot of it I find very interesting as things have changed immensely since then, not least of all the building of Sullom Voe oil terminal in the 70's.
But imagine my surprise when I turn one of the pages and actually see my own father's name right there in front of me!!! I was just speechless and very excited too.
Ursula and Pat had been visiting some of the smaller islands and were about to get the boat across to the isle of Vaila from Walls. They stopped at the post office and the person who was with them said, "Yon's Mr Johnson, the Vaila caretaker"!
I was so thrilled to see his name in that book. Sadly he passed away in 2004, but you know, he has been with me in so many ways and at so many times since then.
If you're following my journal, please check in on Thursday when I reveal something just as exciting, if not more so.
I do hope you enjoy my blips.
Hope you're week is going well.

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