wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

The Loft

Our church is going through extensive renovations and a massive building project at the moment, including building an entire new church, complete upgrade of all the facilities, restoration of the old church building, and other exciting things like that. It even made the newspaper today.

Stage one is complete, and what used to be a high ceilinged kitchen now has an extra level. At the bottom will be offices and toilets and the kitchen, while above is a large open space that will become a youth space. Currently it's the offices, while everything else gets done. After church we all piled up there with food, and spent good time with good people listening to good music - our church has a lot of musos, and so music features quite highly at events. And to shamelessly plug, look here's some of my friends! They're pretty good!

Oh, and I appear to have been caught by exlibris. That doesn't happen too often down here, so it's pretty exciting stuff!

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