youngies journey

By youngie66

Change Here For The Zoo

This is or was Pinkhill Station in Edinburgh as it is now after closing in the late sixties it was the station where passengers disembarked to get to Edinburgh Zoo this was the short branch line from Edinburgh serving three stations Balgreen Halt, Pinkhill for the zoo and Corstorphine Station was the terminus it's so sad that so many lines were closed especially when you see how choked our city streets have become if they ever get the trams up and running this would be ideal to run the trams back to Corstorphine as the actual tram line being built passes the exact stop were Balgreen Halt Station was so you would only need a couple of miles of tram line on the old trackbed to be put back without the need to dig up roads that's what I would do anyway so this is my blip of the old station for the Zoo which is where I worked for the first eight years of my life after leaving school

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