Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

King and Queen Squirrel

So. It is Sunday again. I am sure you are all immensely grateful for this information, which doubtless, would otherwise have completely passed you by. ;-)

I worked for a few hours today which meant I got a lot of my outstanding 'stuff' done, which is good, but also I clocked up a few hours for future use, which is even better! :-D

I have backblipped here by the way if anyone can be arsed would be kind enough to look :)

I have done little else today, but I did spend time watching three baby squirrels tear-arsing around in the guttering of the barn. Naturally they were not good enough to pose all three together in the same shot! I do however quite like this shot. To me it looks like they are royalty, stood on some palace balcony, waving down at their subjects.


Just me then! ;-)

Aaaaaanyway.....I hope you are all having a good bank holiday doubrey firkin weekend thingybob. :-)


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