Naming Days

By Leeleee

A Simple Complication

Very very good day overall! So busy is crazy, but I was lucky it provided many photos opps.
Got awoken too early to drive out to Pukekoe for football. For some period in my life I want to live in the country, I love the New Zealand country-one minute your going up a hill surrounded by forest then next you can see way out to the ocean.
We won 4/0. Greeeaat game. Im so happy. If we in a couple more games Dad says we can get jackets (;
Decided to go to Bens game which was interesting. Out in another beautiful place Titarangi. He changed club this year and I hardly know his new team. All that I know is that its a whole lot more stressfull. Very tense games with crazy tackles and lots of swearing from 14 year old boys.
Saw Johno from Sunday soccer... He drew with Ben 0/0 :)
Yay Ben :D
Then rushed home. Explored another lovely Kingsland garage sale. Then Mum and Dad dropped me off on Q street in which I walked up and down it quite a few times in search of people only to miss my train.
I didn't mind though because I found this side street with all these cute little retro shops which im now in love with! Goood for friends that are looking for ball dresses. So after walking to Britomart I found this very cool fountain outside and it had all this cool steam and things which was a good photo op :)
Then I texted people thinking id just go home but then I found Kare! And Laaura said she would come to town! Goood.
K and I baught the most ridculous bright red tights i love and wore them both matching :D Then we baught $3 Japan things and Laau found us!
We raced after the sun..literally raced..right to my favorite place and town.
It was worth it! Got some goood pictures from the metal thing of sunset, this one!, then from my favorite wharf then the moon came out on the other side and we had even more fun! Had a bit of scare with Laauras amazing camera lense -im still so so so so so sorry about that! but from what we have seen its all okay...look i learn't how to use italic!
L and I tried to work out a couple of things with her new SLR and I hope I helped her as much as I could!
We hopped on the thing with crane on it that tried to attack us last time and then a security man on a bike told us to get of..teeheee..
Then we played piano and Muum picked me up from the maritime museum.
I came home and went down the road to babysit some kids for Emi. They two maybe 9 and 11 year old boys. Very easy to babysit...learn't a few things in Italian and alot about Assasin Creed. Slept over there becaue their Dad (who is a DJ, cool!) didn't get back until late.
Wooow. I write too much..

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