I love Gannets. My ambition is to take a perfect (totally in focus, sharp as life) photo of a Gannet.

This one was taken with me trying to shelter from an icy wind behind a two inch square concrete post. But I am still happy with in because it is the best shot I have got to date. But I know I could do better. Does the wind ever cease at Bempton? Please tell me which day!

We went to the East coast in search of the Atlas Pied Flycatcher. After 2 hours, (I could have finished my book or my knitting, both of which were in the car) he turned up, and a jolly little flitting fellow he was, though whether he was Alas or Atlas we will have to wait to find out.

We had arrived early but by the time he made an appearance there were a lot more folk about. One of which (dressed in khaki trousers and pushing ginger hair) stepped straight in front of me and then, after I muttered, said "Sorry, am I in your way?" with absolutley no intention of moving. I cannot stand that sort of rudeness, or confrontation, though it seems unfortunately prevalent in birding, and said I would move elsewhere. I don't think it made any impression on him, arrogant sod.

But, moving further down the lane, I ended up with a better view of the Flycatcher as it moved down through the trees. And even a record photo, but I would not inflict that on here.

When I walked back up the lane I took a shot of the birding crowd, and then zoomed in on the khaki ignoramous. When I uploaded it on the computer he was looking straight at me and scowling madly. Up yours mate. Pah!

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