This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Slept with the windows open under a sheet. The trains rolled through around 4am. It was good to hear the whistle blow and the rumble on the tracks. The birds were singing loudly. I have come from winter into summer, it is an amazing and complete shock to my system. I am not complaining. It is staggering how heavy and fragrant air can be. The trees are a verdant and wild rococo fantasy everywhere you turn.

Today, we met Jennifer for breakfast at our local funky bakery. We sat outside and worried about the sun. We then went to the gallery where Jennifer has her work and looked at it intently. It is a beautiful and vibrant exhibition. Just amazing to see what she has created during a very intense time in her life. Her new studio in Kansas City is paying off, the work is strong and there are edges filtering in that are captivating. I was so glad to be able for us to see the work and with her while we did. Then some friends of Jennifer's called and we met for tea and lots of water as we sat outside again. We had a lovely chat with Camilla, Matthew, and their adorable baby Hedvig.

Later in the evening, we went to Bill and Barb's for a homecooked meal and chat. It was great to walk to their house in the evening, to walk in the middle of the streets holding a chilled bottle of white wine. Just walking down these streets I have walked since I was old enough to.

Everything feels a bit magical.

This is etherJennifer in her exhibition...

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