Partial to Pugs

Went for a walk past Cafe Bones this morning.  This place is advertised as a place where dogs can bring their two legged pets and enjoy a quiet puppacino.

It really is a hoot.  
The people drink their coffee out of doggy decorated mugs, and many wear clothing embossed with paws or the face of their favourite pooch.

Everybody looks very relaxed as their dogs run around off leash with dozens of others, but it only needs one growl for the group as a whole to become visibly tense.
They know exactly where they are and which dog's bum they are sniffing, in the same way parents watch their first born breathe.

I might just have to get my own pooch to improve my credentials at this cafe.

And I just realised that I blipped Louis, who has since died, on this day a year ago.
Now there's a coincidence.

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