youngies journey

By youngie66

One Victor Six Four

Well this is my first trip of the day with my head code of One Victor Six Four from Edinburgh to Plymouth although I only drive this to Leeds before working back to Edinburgh, now not all travelling public will know this but as you can see on my drivers slip you have two sets of arrival and two sets of departure times the first GBRTT means Great British Rail Time Table this is the times that are published at stations and on timetables for the travelling public the other one WTT is the Working Time Table and if you look down to the second of my stops at Alnmouth you will see a different time than that of the GBRTT this can be for various reasons like maybe a train to cross over your path or for regulating purposes all matter of reasons so you might look at your watch and say oh now we are leaving late at Alnmouth where you are not as this is the one that we work from but it's not to say that we won't leave at the time published on the GBRTT but so it does sound and look confusing to you but to a driver it is another thing that a driver is trained up on to understand why we may get held at certain locations past the GBRTT timings and depart on the later time but still a right time departure as dwell times are added at specific locations like big busy stations where delays can often occur so a wee insight for you into my world of confusion :-)

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