
These are my new tulips "Queen of the Night", the gardener was admiring them today so thought I would blip them.

It's not just the lazy option of sticking the camera out the front door and snapping the first thing that you see. In fact I had to lie on the floor in the porch/hall to get this which wasn't easy after the best part of a bottle of Pinot Grigio.

I went back to work today, it was all fine but featured much coughing, spluttering and snottering. The most exciting thing was noticing that all the fruit trees I planted back in March are now in bloom and a good quantity of the living willow sculptures are in fact living and growing. It was good to be back, if only for the day as I won't be back in the building until next Thursday.

Taking it easy tonight as I hope to feel well enough to make it along to Spin Saturday at Once A Sheep tomorrow then we're out at night to celebrate the 40th birthday of my dearest school friend Christine.

Hope all the residents of blip land have a great weekend.

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