A confused genius

By Lez11

The hunt for proper chips

At work today somebody got talking about chips. This seemed escalate and within seconds everone was talking about chips. The conversation was about is there a proper chip shop in Birmingham city centre. We googled it, Yell'd it and looked in the thompson local. All of the above didn't highlight any proper chip shops in brum.

Therefore 3 of us set out on a quest in our dinner time to search for a proper chippy. People in the office laughed and mocked us but it didn't deter us. Our search took us by the theater, china town and the gay quarter. Eventually we found a proper chip shop right by the indoor market and may I add the chips were amazing (pic).

When we got back to the office there was no mocking or laughing but admiration that we was successfully in our quest. Plus they all wanted to know where the chippy was for the next time they craved chips.

Apart from the search for a chip shop the rest of my day has been boring and mundane. Then again I can only cope with one adventure a day.

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