
One of those days... Following far too few hours sleep I was up at 6.30 am cleaning the bathroom floor in advance of the latex guy coming to prepare it for the new flooring. Son2 was away Go Ape-ing and three quarters of the way to Son1's destination this morning we heard a small whimper from the boot and realised we'd forgotten to drop the dogs off at the petminder! So we went back, dropped off the dogs, returned to drop off Son1, and then my low fuel light came on. I filled up with petrol and rolled into work half an hour late.

I spent the first part of the morning with another colleague trying to sort out a technical hitch and having a good moan about our spiralling workload. Then I had a row with the Nationwide over the phone (long story - they're phoning me back at 8 am tomorrow morning, apparently, to resolve it). I told them how disappointed I was to find that they were no better than Santander. That hit them where it hurts!

For the sake of my sanity I nipped out at lunchtime to commune with the geese at Shottermill Ponds. It was really chilly to the extent that I wished I'd worn gloves - in May!! Good grief. Anyway, I think thought this guy is was a barnacle goose but please see Longshanks's comment below (with many thanks to him!). Mrs Goose and goslings were safely ensconced on the island in the middle of the pond and he did a good job of patrolling and guarding them.

Now it's cider time.

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