Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje


Jaap and I went to Leeuwarden to visit Suzanne and John becuase of her birthday and their housewarming party.
Their house looks great.

This picture shows 'de Kelders' a street in Leeuwarden where old warehouse storagerooms have access to the canals. There were onlt two places in the city where it was possible to build these 'kelders' because of the natural height difference between the canals and the terps.
In the 17th century the storagerooms on the Kelders they were mainly used for beerstorage. Alse this is the place (or nearby) where wheat and beer would be sold on the market.

There were two types of these storagerooms. Storagerooms build according to the style in Utrecht with a platform (shown on the picture) and storagerooms without a platform, where the goods were placed immediately inside.

More information (in Dutch) can be found here.

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