Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Here We Go...

"She's miffed, isn't she Fred."

"Yes love. She thinks Blip HQ blocked hers and KirtieG's blips from the spotlight yesterday."

"Why does she think that?"

"Well, both got hundreds of views, over 40+ comments each, favourites, stars etc and yet didn't appear, despite getting more views and comments than several that were on the spotlight page."

"Ah. I thought she didn't get a flying rat's arse about getting on the spotlight page?"

"She doesn't. But she really doesn't like inconsistency or unfairness."


"Well - other recent blips have been allowed onto the spotlight page despite being more revealing or seductive."

"Ah. I see. So, given that this isn't the first time she's been fed up with Blip and its apparant "one rule for some and one rule for others" malarky, why does she still post photos here?"

"Good question love. I think it's because she's become quite fond of some of the random weirdos on here."

"Oh. Fair enough. Fred?"

"Yes, love"

"May the Fourth be with you"

"Oh dear...."

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