Another day.....
....another sunset at Sandside. A reversal of the usual geographic weather patterns this last couple of days. While the south of England has been inundated with rain, we have been enjoying bright, warm sunny days. The tides are low at the moment and there is remarkably little water in the estuary, and the mudflats are firm and dry.
Alas, I had to forego an opportunity for a day out of the office today to concentrate on deadlines. But I did manage a walk on the Kent at lunchtime with the keen eyed Brokenbanjo, who duly spotted a common sandpiper, my first of the season. I'm still way behind with Spring migrants, so will be making an effort to catch up this weekend.
We visited our allotment last night. It's huge! We could almost be self-sufficient. Though there's an awful lot of digging and weeding to do before we can go into production, but its setting in an old walled garden in Arnside is just perfect.
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