In My Life...

By steeble

A Pure Heart.

Today went to see The Avengers movie............ If you haven't yet seen it.... GO! Its amazing, Transformers has nothing on this. I would recommend seeing all the superhero films leading up to it first though. I'd easily give the film a 9/10. Reason its only a 9 is because they changed the bloke who plays The Hulk.

Will most certainly be going to see it again at least once before it disappears off the big screen and ends up in my house on

On the way back from the cinema had a drive to Herrington Park which is somewhere I've been to but never had a walk around. I took some pictures of Penshaw monument from the park and some of the ducks and swans. The swans were all parading around trying to woo the ladies. They did eventually get a hold of one and honestly if I went on like that with a lass I fancied, I'd get sent down for

The swan in this picture kept coming close but wasn't coming out of the water. I was trying to get a shot of his face looking directly at the camera but as I stood up seen this and managed to get this picture just before he urned away.

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