campervan man

By campervan

Paris Cemetery of Père Lachaise

One of the gems of Paris, worth a visit but buy a map (all the best bodies highlighted)
This is the grave of Oscar Wilde, carved by Sir Jacob Epstein. It was condemned initially as indecent and at one point was covered in tarpaulin by the French police. Nowadays people leave paper messages on the ledge under little pebbles or plant kisses on it having applied a thick layer of lipstick. The evidence of this habit is clear in the picture
A story I heard was when it was unveiled people were very distressed as how very male and well endowed the angel appeared. The manager of the cemetery was so upset he took a heavy hammer to the offending part, duly removing it. But as he was a civil servant he could not dispose of the removed part as it was not his; he therefore used it as a paper weight until he retired. I know not what happened to it then, or if this is a true story.

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