Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Here we go again...

I woke early in the morning to the sound of the rain battering on the window. Getting up to make a cup of tea, I was seeing to the fire, when a drip landed on my head. It was only then I realised that the water was pouring in my ceiling, down the stone wall and then splashing over the TV, the phone and my window seat. I must have been half asleep when I didn't see it right away.

When the clock registered a decent hour, I phoned Peter the Stonemason. I felt that the roofer thing hadn't worked, so maybe a change of tack would be a good thing. Anyway, Peter came out and inspected the upstairs, and also the roof and the chimney. He also took the hose onto the roof (the rain, by now, having decided to stop), and I think he has sourced the root of the problem. There is a hairline crack between the flat roof and the chimney, and also a crack in the harling on the chimney.

I was slighty amused by Peter's comment after all this. I have spent a year trying to get builders out to fix my leak. Peter says, "I'll come out tomorrow or Monday with Sean if that's OK. I mean, you really don't want to have this water pouring in. It has to be seen to right away."

Did he think that I was going to protest?

Here goes!

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