
By BrackenOE

"The Tunnel" Whoosh!!!

We just managed to do our Agility Class tonight before the heavens opened but it became very dark so the clarity of this photo is poor plus the fact Bracken whipped through the tunnel like flash lightning hence his blurry paws! The teacher was very pleased with him especially when he did the fence jump and the tunnel together keeping his brain in gear (most of the dogs ran around the second obstacle which is to be expected in only the second class they have had) so all in all a great time was had by all the very excited dogs. One nice surprise was Bracken's step sister Pippa who was born a year after him (both have the same mother) has joined so although she missed the very first class she is doing well and its nice to have another "little" dog in class. They seemed very fond of each other when they met up but I am quite sure they don't not know they are related.
Once again I couldn't get onto blipfoto the latter part of Wednesday evening so am posting this blip today (Thursday). Hopefully next week we will get some better photos if the weather is kind to us!

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