Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Backyard Art

The amaryllis blooms every year. This season the snails did a significant job of munching the previous blooms a month or so ago, so I did surveillance as this one was promising a blossom and plucked every pesky snail that appeared. I'm told crushed egg shells spread on the soil are a strong deterrent to these slimy insects, but I haven't tried that yet.

With a soft folded layer of grey flannel over our heads all day, I was in high hopes that rain would arrive, but nah!

And then finally the report on those in-class essays I brought home yesterday -- I've graded a few, a very few, of them throughout this day. So far I have not read one that was outstanding and that reality is quite disappointing. Most students just won't write fully developed content; they'd rather write a list of terms without any elaboration. So I can honestly confess that I'm having a miserable time getting focused on this project. Tonight I have one hour of online office time (8:45-9:45) and hope to grade a few more essays during that 60 minutes.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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